Promptly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Yellow. Discuss.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Make today a national holiday. Name it, describe what it commemorates and how we should celebrate.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Describe your favorite outfit, where you wear it and how you feel when you have it on.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Look in your closet. What color(s) do you see? Write about the colors you tend to wear and how you feel about this.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Write about one personality trait of yours that you like. Show it in action.
Prompt-ly: Quick Prompts to Prime the Pump
Not My Best Look Write about one personality trait of yours that you don’t like. How does this trait manifest itself? Show us a situation.
Prompt-ly: Quick Prompts to Prime the Pump
Road Rage Write about your typical reaction to a bad driver. Create a scene involving said bad driving and your response to it. Include dialog. It need not be an actual situation—just a typical one.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Buyer Beware!! Write about a product you bought that disappointed you.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
One Wish Write about one thing that you wish would happen today. Only one. Describe it and show how it would make a difference in your life. Keep it small and specific.
Prompt-ly: Quick Writing Prompts to Prime the Pump
Pick a Direction Look to your left. Describe what you see for someone who will never see it. Make it important. (This is a prompt that you can do over and over again, wherever you are. You can also look up, down, right, ahead or behind. Your choice.)