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Hello Classroom Teachers,

I know how hard you work, especially if you teach writing—the planning, the reading, the grading. It can be grueling to get it all done. I, too, was a classroom teacher—for thirty-six years. You are my people.

So if anything on this website will help to ease the workload for you, you’re welcome to use it for your lesson planning.  Send your kids here anytime to read an essay or take a lesson.  

Need a minute to breathe? Pull a quick writing prompt from the Prompt-ly category under For Writers for writing and group sharing. Need sub plans? Grab a writing assignment from Artfully Said or Etudes and let them engage with a writing lesson and an art or music lesson. Stuck with a few endless minutes at the end of the period? Fill the time with a punctuation refresher from the Comma Down category or let your students grapple with which word is which in The Right Word.  I’ll be adding new material to these sections regularly so that they’ll be fresh when you need them. Check in on them often.

Then come back here to The Teachers’ Corner for some ways to use the Saving Our Lives books in your classes for both reading and writing instruction. More on that to come.

I’ll help where I can. Glad you’re here.
