About the Author

D. Margaret Hoffman, author of the award-winning essay collections Saving Our Lives: Volume One—Essays to Inspire the Writer in YOU and Saving Our Lives: Volume Two–Essays to Release the Writer in YOU, is a retired teacher of creative writing, expository writing, literature and film. She worked with kids for thirty-six years while raising two girls of her own, juggling the craziness of school and home and all the life that happens in between. Now that her girls are grown and her days are her own, she has the opportunity, finally, to survey the life that she has lived and to save the most important parts of it in her own writing.
Now, she fills her days writing, reading, wishing she was actually learning the Italian she purports to study, singing in local choirs, traveling when she can, strumming her ukulele and pretending that she doesn’t care that her house is messy. She learned that, even though one may stop teaching, one never ceases to be a teacher and so she satisfies that urge by helping others to save their lives in writing just as she has saved hers. Workshops, personal appearances and occasional substitute teaching keep her in touch with her teacher genes.
Hoffman lives with her husband in chilly New England. She keeps warm by crocheting afghans and hats that she donates to a local shelter. She believes that every house needs a cat just like every bed needs a blanket, so the Hoffman family rescued Cassie and George, sibling gray tabbies. Winters here are long. Two cats definitely warm things up a bit.
Going forward, Hoffman will continue to capture life’s moments, getting them down in essays that will save them for all time—and encourage others to do the same. Her third collection, Saving Our Lives: Volume Three—Essays to Launch the Writer in YOU is available now. Coming soon is a series of workbooks and blank journals to help readers capture their own stories on the page.
What happens after that is anybody’s guess.
Stay tuned.
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